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Software Engineering Book Reviews

I have written book reviews for the ACCU, IEE/IET, BCS and others since about 1990  I have lost the first 40 but the remaining ones are given here.

These reviews were written for magazines which means that on the whole they have to be around 500 words. Whilst they go back some ten years many of the books are still  available and valid today. So when reading them take note of the date of publication or the date of the review.

I have only had two reviews challenged (both by the authors) and have re-assessed the reviews  but if you want to make any comments please contact us.


The Reviews


Title (click on title to see review)



The Cuckoo's Egg

Cliff Stoll

Pocket Books

Spacecraft Systems Engineering 3rd Ed

Peter Fortescue,

John Stark,

Graham Swinerd



Arm System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software

Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes,

Chris Wright


A handbook of Software and Systems Engineering:
Empirical Observations, Laws and Theories

Albert Endress

Dieter Rombach

Addison Wesley


Linux for Embedded and Real Time Applications

Doug Abott


Real Time Systems Design and Analysis

Philipn A. Laplante

Wiley/IEEE 2004

Inside Internet Security: What Hackers Don’t Want You To Know

Jeff Crume

Addison Wesley 2000

In Search of Stupidity

Merrill R Chapman

Apress 2004

The E-Myth Revisited (WhyMost Small Businesses Don’tWork And What To Do About It)

Michael E. Gerber

Harper Business 2004

Software Testing Fundamentals

Marnie L Hutcheson

Wiley 2004

Professional Software Development

Steve McConnell

Addison wesley 2004

8051 Microcontroller. An Applications Based

Calcut, Cowen & Parchizdeh

Newnes 2004


8051 Microcontroller. An Applications Based Introduction

Calcut, Cowen & Parchizdeh

Newnes 2004


AVR An Introductory Course

John Morton

Newnes 2004

AVR An Introductory Course

John Morton

Newnes 2004

Smart Card Handbook 3Rd English Edition

Rankle & Effing

Wiley 2004

Smart Card Handbook 3Rd English Edition

Rankle & Effing

Wiley 2004

Designing Embedded communications Software

T Sridhar

CMP Books 2004

Specifying Software A hands on approach

R. D. Tennent

Cambridge University Press 2004

Software Requirements

Karl E. Wiegers

Microsoft 2004

Configuration Management Principals and

Anne Mette Jonassen Hass

Addison Wesley 2003

Embedded System Design on a shoestring:
Achieving High performance with a limited budget

Lewin A. R. W. Edwards

Newnes 2003

:Project Management: A systems approach to
Planning, scheduling and controlling. 7th Edition

Harold Kerzner

Willey 2003

Managing the Testing Process

Rex Black

Wiley 2003

Software Engineering for Real-time Systems

Jim Cooling

Addison Wesley 2003

Tools for Success, a Managers Guide

Suzanne Turner

McGraw Hill 2003

Lessons Learned In Software Testing

Kaner, Bach, Pettichord

Wiley 2002

MicrtoC/OS II

Jean Labrosse

CMP Books 2002

Practical Statecharts in C/C++: Quantum
Programming for Embedded Systems

Miro Samek

CMP Books 2002

Embedded Systems Design: A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction

Frank Vahid/Tony Givargis

Wiley 2002

Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction
to Process, Tools and Techniques

Arnold S Berger

CMP Books 2002

Embedded Systems & Computer

Graham Wilson

Newnes 2002

Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified

Ed Sutter

CMP Books 2002

Embedded C

Michael Pont

Addison Wesley 2002

Smart Card Manufacturing: A Practical Guide

Haghiri & Tarantino

Wiley 2002

Arm Architecture Reference Manual 2nd Ed

Joeseph Lemieux

CMP Books 2002

Arm Architecture Reference Manual 2nd Ed

David Seal

Addison Wesley 2002

Arm System on a chip Architecture 2nd Ed

Steve Furber

Addison Wesley 2002

Smart Card Handbook 2nd ed

Rankel & Effing

Wiley 2000

Leading A Software Development Team

Richard Whitehead

Addison Wesley 2001

Patterns for Time Triggered Embedded Systems

Michael J Pont

Addison Wesley 2001

MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel

Jean J Labrosse

R&D Books 2000

Flow Design for Embedded Systems

Barry Kauler

R&D Books 2000

Front Panel: Designing SW For Embedded
User Interface

Naill D Murphy

R&D Books 2000

Detecting the World Capturing Physical
Measurements with C++

David McCombs

R&D Books 2000

An Embedded Software Primer

David E Simon

Addison Wesleyl 2000

C and the 8051, Building Efficient
Applications (vol II)

T W Schultz

Prentice Hall 2000

Embedded Systems Building Blocks

J. J Labrosse

R&D 2000

Software Design for Real-time systems

J E Cooling

ITC 1999

Software Design for Real-time systems

J E Cooling

ITC 1999

The Goal/Question/Metric Method A Practical Guide for Quality Improvement of Software Development

Rini Van Solingen & Egon Berghout

McGraw Hill 1999

Linux in a Nutshell, A desktop quick reference

Ellen Siever

O’Reilly 1999

Programming Embedded Systems in C andC++

Michael Barr

O’Reilly 1999

The art of Programming Embedded Systems.

Jack G. Ganssle

Academic Press 1992

:CAN System Engineering: From theory to practice.

Wolfhard Lawrenz

Springer-Verlag 1997

Open Sources

Chris Di Bona, Sam Ockman and Mark Stone

O’Reilly, Jan 1999

Internet Cryptography

Richard E. Smith

Addison Wesley 1997

Smartcards (A guide to building and
managing smart card applications)

Henry Dreifus & J Thomas Monk

Wiley 1998

Web Programming Unleashed

Bob Breedlove et al

Web Development with Microsoft Resources

James Townsend et al

Kick Ass Java Programming (Advanced
everything- with an attitude!)

Tonny Espeset

Java Programming For Dummies (2nd ed)

Donald & David Koosis

Java Programmers Reference

Herbert Schildt & Joe O’Neil

The way of Java

Gary Entminger

Mastering Java


Java Script

Laura Lemy & Micheal Moncur

Real Time Software Systems

J E Cooling

Smart Card Handbook

W. Rankl & W Effing

The Year 2000 SW Crisis

W Ulrich & I Hayes

DOS and Windows Protected mode (DOS
extenders in C)

Al Williams

Safety-Critical Computer Systems

Neil Story

Graphics and Web Page Design

Laura Lemay, J M Duff & J L Mohler

Zen and the art of Code Optimisation

Micheal Abrash

Coriolis Group Books

Creating Commercial Web Pages

Laura Lemay & Brian K. Murphy

Security In Computing

Charles P Pfleeger

OSF DCE Application Development Reference


Prentice Hall

C for Engineers 2nd ed.

Bramer & Bramer


Software Engineering with C++ and CASE

Michael Pont

Addison Wesley

Understanding OSI

John Larmouth

International Thompson Computer Press

Analog and Digital Filter Design Using C

Les Thede

Prentice Hall

LabVIEW Graphical Programming

Gary W Johnson


Programming language choice: Practice and experience

Mark Woodman

International Thompson Computer Press 1996

Master C++

Rex Woolard

Waite Group Press 1996

C/C++ Software Quality Tools

Mark L Murphy

Prentice Hall 1996

C++ for Engineers

Bramer & Bramer

Arnold 1996