McObject designed and built its eXtremeDB in-memory database system (IMDS) from scratch, specifically for emerging networks of intelligent, connected devices. eXtremeDB deploys across multiple hardware and software platforms, and delivers unbeatable performance with an architecture optimised for in-memory processing. Offering a tiny code footprint as small as 50K alongside carrier-grade enhancements such as High Availability and Transaction Logging, the eXtremeDB real-time database scales from resource-constrained mobile devices, through the high-throughput data and telecom infrastructure equipment of today’s intelligent networks.
McObject’s solutions are in place in mission-critical applications worldwide. Customers embracing the eXtremeDB embedded database for real-time data management include Boeing, Motorola, JVC, F5 Networks, Tyco Thermal Controls, Genesis Microchip, EFJohnson, and Peiker acoustic, among other
FLASH MOVIE: In 3 short minutes you can get the "gist" of eXtremeDB
The eXtremeDB embedded database combines exceptional performance, reliability and developer efficiency in a proven real-time database engine. There are several versions including Fusion, High Availability, Kernel mode, SQL, 64-Bit , Web-sever and Transaction Logging > Link to
Today's device-based, embedded and real-time systems require sophisticated data storage. Growth in features and connectivity demands that connected high-tech gear store, access and manipulate complex data efficiently and reliably, while maintaining an overall small footprint. Typically, marketplace concerns dictate a small footprint for these devices’ embedded software. Other markets, including mobile, consumber, telecoms, industrial, telematics, military, aerospace and financial > Link to
Perst, an open source, object-oriented embedded database for Java and C#. In addition to high performance and a modest footprint, one of Perst’s greatest achievements is its exceptional ‘transparent persistence’ and ease in working with objects in these fast-growing programming languages.. > Link to
Professional Services
McObject's professional services team offers assistance ranging from training on our embedded database technology, to proof-of-concept and long-term consulting, and more, all to help our clients maximize their return on their embedded database investment.. > Link to
Videos and on demand webinars on all ascpects of embedded database systems. > Link to