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Safety Critical Systems Club


The Safety-Critical Systems Club (SCSC) exists to raise awareness and facilitate technology transfer in the field of safety-critical systems. It is a non-profit organisation which cooperates with all bodies involved with or interested in safety-critical systems.



The SCSC maintains a web site of useful resources. https://.scsc.uk It publishes a regular newsletter, Safety Systems. It sponsors initiatives to develop methods and techniques




SCSC working groups are currently developing guidance for

Data in safety systems,
Security aspects of safety,
Autonomous Systems Safety
Assurance cases

Service Assurance


The SCSC organises seminars, workshops and training delivered by experts in their field. Since 1993 it has organised the annual Safety-critical Systems Symposium (SSS) where leaders in different aspects of safety, from different industries, including engineers, managers, regulators and academics, meet to exchange information and experience, with the papers published in a proceedings volume. It also maintains a LinkedIn group, which is used for announcements and discussions. All these activities are there to meet its mission:






In the mid-1980s, the need for knowledge of and guidance on the use of software led to a number of initiatives in the UK by government, military, and professional bodies. One of these was the government-led 'SafeIT' initiative.

A related initiative was the formation of the Safety-Critical Systems Club by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and what is now the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). They let a three-year contract to the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), the British Computer Society (BCS), and the Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, to set-up and run the Club. The Club formally came into being on 1st May 1991.


In 2017 on it's 25th anaversary the SCSC moved from The University of Newcastle tonew managment at the University of York


click here for Phaedrus Systems Articles published in SCSC journal