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RiskCATS Nuclear

CATS Nuclear

RiskCATs is the toolset when safety is the top priority. This tool is for IEC 6880:2006 (Nuclear Safety).



These standards are complex, they require much time, energy and knowledge of the both the standard and the document itself to find the appropriate measures to use in a given situation. These tools provide almost instantaneous selection of the correct measures for any situation. From whole project down to measures for a specific team. Also rapid and intuitive navigation around the standard. They also provide PDF's of the standard(s).


The RiskCAT tool permits rapid and intuitive navigation around the standard. Simple calculation toccata (A-C and Not Classified) . Selection of measures by key word, life cycle or function using or/and criteria. A simple click of the mouse pulls up the relevant part of the standard, with the measure highlighted. For any term defined in the standard you can pull up the definition from the standard, again with a single mouse click. There is a similar system for other explanations and information related to any measure.


There is a very useful note facility. You can add notes to any measure. For example hyperlinks to your own documents or procedures. Notes are searchable and can be exported in RTF format.


No more need for Post -it-Note or written notes in the margin of your printed standard, or companion note books.



Measures can be selected or de-selected by obligation level (one or more selections) in the page, section or whole standard in a second.



Measures can be selected manually or automatically.


The automatic selection can be by keyword, document headings and function.


They can be selected by section or the whole standard and also "and" or "or" with the levels

e.g."recommended" and/or mandatory etc so almost any combination can be selected in seconds.


All selections can be output in rtf format (optionally with notes) to produce check lists. Click here for example (converted to PDF). Filtering permits the saving of measures with and without notes and other parameters. Delimiters can also be selected so Within a matter of minutes you can produce checklists for all the teams in the development from requirements capture to final test.


The ability to save the state of RiskCATS means you can instantly recall measure selections (and notes) for any number of scenarios. E.g. mandatory measures for verification at Category B. Multiple sessions can be saved. Output can be to DOORS, CALIBRE-RM. ARTISAN, QualitCAT or as text to a spreadsheet or a formatted RTF Document. Click here for example (converted to PDF).


cats 60880


There is also an additional module to permit correlation with IEC 61508 Functional Safety Standard. You can sort on higher, lower or same level of obligation between the standards, same wording, same meaning (different wording).


We have a demo of this software and a technical paper on it's use. For a downloadable demo version please email us via the contact page. However you really need to see an on site demonstration of the full system. Phaedrus Systems Ltd and RiskCAT Gmbh are involved in developing IEC 61508, MISRA and 60880 standards.